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Need to customize your Home page?
  • Start with Home page settings. The Home page is fully customizable, here are just some examples.
  • If you don't have the time or the experts for that, describe your requirements in the box below. Depending on the amount of work required, we will either provide some tips for free or provide you with an estimate for a Branding service project.

OnSign TV Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it a good idea to put FAQs on the portal home page?

A: Why not, if you often get the same questions? Having an FAQ section is a good thing which helps with support case deflection. You already made a smart choice once if you're reading this text - an online documentation portal can help you with case deflection a lot, because people will be able to find your documentation on Google.

Q: How do I start a ClickHelp subscription?

A: Just place an order online here and get your own documentation portal within 24 hours.

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